Establishment of CCAS (1979):

In order to study the Central Asian region from diversified point of view, the Centre of Central Asian Studies was established in 1978 at the University of Kashmir, Srinagar. Immediately thereafter, the Centre embarked upon a series of un-interrupted and unflinching research exercises largely aimed at re-discovering the cultures and peoples of the region. Therefore, the most of the studies conducted through the Centre were historical and cultural in context, specifically focusing on affinities between Kashmir and Central Asia. For the reason that Kashmir is closely situated to Central Asia and served as bridge between India and Central Asia, its cultural mosaic reflected the syncretism and blend of various soio-cultural practices of a vast region.


Central Asian Museum (1982):


The bilateral and multilateral relations between the two regions are sufficiently supported by thousands of artifacts showcased in the Central Asian Museum of the Centre.


Area Study Programme (1983):


Specialized studies pertaining to the region began to be pursued under its Area Studies Programme (ASP) after 1983 when the University Grants Commission provided the Centre with additional staff for an allied research wing – a special status that, inter-alia, served to link the Centre with rest of the Area Studies Centres of India. This enabled the Centre to set afresh its priorities with regard to contemporary problems relating to defence strategy, economic restructuring, resource management, religious revivalism, international relations, foreign investment, legal guarantees, etc. While negotiating new challenges, the Centre expeditiously carried forward its research agenda quite undaunted by the most hosti le and un-favourable circumstances that existed in Kashmir.