

Currently working as Director and Professor of Political Science at the centre of Central Asian Studies, University of Kashmir. I have over 70 research papers, monographs, and chapters in edited volumes published in India, Korea, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan. My research interests include Gender, the Middle East, and Central Asian Politics. I have guided more 30 M.Phil. and PhD research scholars, and also evaluated 20 thesises till date.

I have authored Women's Ardous Journey: from Estrangement to Engagement (2024), India-Afghanistan Relations (2024), Central Asia: Geopolitical Dynamics and Shifting Political Patterns (2023), Gendering Women in the 21st Century: Critical Perspectives (2021), Political Reforms in Uzbekistan (2015), Peace Strategies in Central Asia (2009), Central Asia: Security and Strategic Imperatives (2002), and Defense Strategies in Central Asia (2001).

I am Visiting Fellow at the Centre of International Studies, Cambridge University, UK, a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of History, Uzbekistan, and an Honorary Member of IRSEA, Bucharest, Romania.

Besides academic accomplishments, I have extensively worked for empowering marginalized communities, I have passionately worked for integrating research, policy advocacy, and grassroots initiatives to create inclusive educational opportunities. This commitment has been materialized by various field surveys and projects sponsored by UGC, ICSSR, and etc.


Faculty Details

  • Citations 200
  • Mobile 9419023236
  • Email
  • Administrative position Held Director, Centre of Central Asian Studies

Research Projects Details:

Title of the ProjectFunding AgencyDatedAmount (in Rs.)
Women Empowerment and Local Self Governance in Kashmir: A Case Study of District Kulgam and BudgamICSSR29-03-201770,000.00
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao: An Emprical Investigation of its Impact and Research (ICSSR) in the UT of J&KICSSR03-07-2023120,000.00